Create a directory (e.g. tempo11) and cd to it.
Download the following files from ATNF (Australia) or
Princeton (USA):
Note: these are large files. It may be easier to use anonymous-ftp
directly to download the files rather than downloading them via a
web browser.
Uncompress the ephemeris files. It is recommended that these be
moved to to a parallel directory, e.g. tempo_ephem.
gunzip DE200.1950.2050.gz DE405.1950.2050.gz TDB1950.2050.gz
mkdir ../tempo_ephem
mv *2050 ../tempo_ephem
Un-compress the source files:
gunzip tempo.tar.gz
Un-tar the source code and support files:
tar -xf tempo.tar
This creates several subdirectories, including `src' which
contains the source code. Go to this directory:
cd src
- If necessary, edit the `Makefile' to reflect the compilers
and compiler flags appropriate to your system.
Compile the code. The executable will be placed in the
current directory
make all
Go to the tempo11 root directory:
cd ..
Set environment variable TEMPO to point to the tempo11 directory
using the full path name. For example, using csh in the directory `/disk1':
setenv TEMPO /disk1/tempo11
Edit tempo.cfg. Change the EPHDIR entry to the name of the directory
containing the ephemeris files, including a trailing slash.
Change the CLKDIR and PARDIR entries to the full path of the
tempo11 directory plus `clock/' (for CLKDIR) or `tzpar/'
(for PARDIR).
Change OBSYS to the full path of the file
tempo11/obsys.dat. For example, if the root directory is
`/disk1', these entries in tempo.cfg would be
CLKDIR /disk1/tempo11/clock/
PARDIR /disk1/tempo11/tzpar/
EPHDIR /disk1/tempo_ephem/
OBSYS /disk1/tempo11/obsys.dat
Run tempo on a test file:
cd test
../src/tempo 0437.tim
Compare the 'tempo.lis' and '0437-4715.par' output files with the
files from the distribution:
diff tempo.lis tempo.lis.original
diff 0437-4715.par 0437-4715.par.original
Ideally the 'par' files will be idential and the 'tempo.lis' files
will differ in only two lines (date and input file name). In
practice, parameter values often differ slighly in their least
significant digits.
Optionally get rid of the 'tar' file:
rm tempo.tar
Compliation notes: